Massage is a drug-free, non-invasive,

humane approach to work with the body’s natural response to heal itself.

So what are the benefits of getting regular massage?

(Believe me, I get this question all the time!)

Increases Circulation

Allows your muscles and other tissues to receive more blood which brings them more oxygen and nutrients, and helps to remove waste products from your tissues (which can be one of the reasons for sore muscles).

Stimulates the flow of Lymph

Which is your body’s natural defense system. Helps to increase the functioning of your immune system. (So you get sick less!)

Promote Tissue Regeneration

Reduces scar tissue from injuries or surgeries.

Shorter labors for expectant moms

Which means shorter hospital stays. Also less complications during labor and fewer postnatal complications in infants.

Balances muscles

Stretches tight, short muscles and strengthens over-stretched, weak muscles to help promote balance, which will help ease aches and pains.

Helps lessen depression and anxiety

Slows the impulses of your nervous system and releases feel good endorphins.

Reduce spasms and cramps

Helps the muscles relax and lengthen.

Release endorphins

The body’s natural painkillers.

Helps improve posture

Stimulates over-stretched muscles to make them shorter and releases short muscles and allows them to lengthen, which will create balance in your body.

Increases body awareness

Bringing you back in touch with you body.

Helps reduce overall stress

Calms your overactive nervous system and releases feel good endorphins.

Of course, there’s many more benefits, too many to name,

but book a massage and see for yourself!

Benefits of Massage